Arrival in Les Diablerets

Welcome desk opens



Mathemagics show with Arthur Benjamin

Breakfast (At your hotel)

Welcome and Opening

Lightning Talks - Session 1

Jürgen Richter-Gebert, TU Munich

GrooveLab – A math based rhythm machine

Darío Alatorre, Institute of Mathematics (UNAM)

How much math can we get through sound?

David Kohan Marzagao and Josh Murphy, King's College London

Communicating open problems in AI with interactive games

William Reynolds, University of Edinburgh

Geometry, Art & Mind

Aleksandra Górecla, Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation

Can recreational math actually be for everyone?

Hugo Parlier and Bruno Teheux, University of Luxembourg

ReShape, a crowdsourcing art experiment

Max Hughes, MathsCity Leeds

Mind Games: Your Brain on Puzzles

Talk abstracts

Workshop presentations

Workshop information

Coffee break and Showcases

Keynote: Cedric Villani


Panel: Accessibility

Adrian Mims, The Calculus Project

Daniel Zaharopol, Bridge to Enter Advanced Mathematics (BEAM)

Jenn Brooks, American Print House for the Blind

Moderator: John Tracey, Simons Foundation.

Coffee break and Showcases


Workshop information

Day 1 closing / Day 2 outlook


Night activities
Games, drinks, and chat.

Breakfast (At your hotel)

Departure towards the glacier (from Hotel Les Sources)

Glacier excursion

Picnic lunch

Meet-up to descend from the glacier
Bus transfer to Les Diablerets

Coffee break and Showcases

Lightning Talks - Session 2

Bojan Crnković, Faculty of mathematics, University of Rijeka

STEM park Rijeka

Izabela Krupińska, Zakłady Kórnickie Foundation

Introduction to MuMa: A new Museum of Mathematics in Poland

Jennifer Quinn, Seattle Universal Math Museum

Integration of Design: Dissection—Observation—Iteration

Yael Saiger, MIT Museum

Inviting In: Building Mathematical Community in a Single Museum Visit

Laila Samuel, Mathematikum

Expanding Accessibility
Inclusive Experiments at the Mathematikum

Jose Ezequiel Soto Sanchez
ITAM, Mexico

Creative and Critical Data Visualization

Kateryna Terletska and Olena Kvachevska, Junior Academy of Sciences of Ukraine

Mathematics in the Darkness of War

Eoin Gill, Chaim Goodman Strauss, Cindy Lawrence
Maths Week Ireland / National Museum of Mathematics (MoMath)

A Novel Trans-Atlantic Maths Meetup

Talk abstracts

Coffee break and Showcases

Keynote: Nina Gasking


Night activities
Games, drinks, and chat.

Breakfast (At your hotel)

Lightning Talks - Session 3

David Reimann, Albion College

Communicating Mathematics through Art

Robert Wöstenfeld, Mathe im Leben gGmbH

Math instead of Chocolate for Christmas?

Sam Hansen, Institute for Mathematical and Statistical Innovation

Introducing four new Mathematics Communication Training Lesson Plans

Tim Chartier, Davidson College

Unruly Notebook Paper

Vanessa Landgraf, Technical University of Munich

TdMfSS - how to organize a fun-math-day for 500+ pupils

Erika Roldan, MPI MiS & ScaDS.AI Leipzig University

Humanly Generated Random Cell Growth Processes

Danilo Lewanski, University of Trieste

African Mathscamps

Talk abstracts

Coffee break and Showcases

Keynote: Kyne Santos



Workshop information

(at the conference venue)

Fondue dinner
(at Hôtel Les Sources)

(at MTB Bar)

Breakfast (At your hotel)

Hotel checkout

Panel: Math outreach funding

Ivvet Modinou, Simons Foundation

Hanna Wick, Swiss National Science Foundation

Verena Viarisio, Klaus Tschira Stiftung (remote)

Moderator: Andreas Matt, IMAGINARY

Coffee break and Showcases

Presentation of workshop results

Closing session


Keynote Speakers

Cedric Villani
Nina Gasking

Photo: Bertrand Paris-Romaskevich.

Kyne Santos

Math'émerveille mathematics festival in Geneva

[Official website]

Festival set up

Opening for the public

Math Tales

Math Treasure Hunt

Math show: “Il est rond, mon ballon ?”

Math show: “Il est rond, mon ballon ?” (repeat)

Closing for the public

The site plan and detailed festival program will be available soon.



Maison des Congrès
Chem. des Grandes Isles 7,
1865 Ormont-Dessus
Les Diablerets, Switzerland

[Google Maps]

Lunch and dinner*

Hôtel Les Sources
Le Vernex 9
1865 Ormont-Dessus
[Google Maps]

* Breakfast is served in your hotel.


Rue des Ormonts 10
1865 Ormont-Dessus
[Google Maps]

Math'émerveille mathematics festival

Musée d'histoire des sciences de la Ville de Genève
Parc de La Perle du Lac
Rue de Lausanne 128,
1202 Genève, Switzerland
[ Google Maps ]
[ Official website ]