Conference Code of Conduct

We want to ensure everyone has a great time at our event, so we ask all participants to follow this code of conduct.

  • Be inclusive
    Use welcoming and inclusive language, avoid unnecessarily gendered or ableist terms, and consider others’ experiences and circumstances in what you say and do. Respect others’ pronouns. Do not engage in exclusionary behavior or language against anyone based on their race/ethnicity, gender, gender identity and expression, sexual orientation, disability, physical or mental health, physical appearance, body size, nationality, religion or belief, level of education, age, or anything else. Don't make exclusionary jokes, even "ironically.”
  • Respect and listen to each other’s views
    If you disagree with someone, challenge and discuss their idea, not them. Aggression is not welcome here.
  • Respect personal rights and privacy
    If you’re taking photographs, video, or other recordings, please make sure everyone being featured is happy for you to do that, and consents to whatever form of sharing you intend.
  • Respect intellectual property
    Get consent from the speaker and organizers before publishing presentation recordings or video clips on social networks, personal websites, publications, etc. Posting photos of a few slides on social media is permitted unless the speaker indicates at the beginning of their talk that they are not comfortable with that.
  • Respect personal data
    Do not use any person's personal data for any purpose other than the one for which it was originally shared without gaining their explicit consent in advance (this includes sharing contact details).
  • Respect choices around alcohol
    Although the event involves social occasions where alcohol is served, there is no expectation or pressure to drink alcohol. Don't question anyone's choice of drink. Soft drinks will be available.
  • Don't harass people
    Unconsented sexual attention, inappropriate language, or persistent unconsented communication can constitute harassment, even if this wasn’t intended. Sexual language and imagery are not appropriate at this conference. Speakers and other participants should not use sexualized images, language, or other material.

Please be aware of the effect your words and actions have on other people in the group. We want everyone to have a great time, be included, and be treated with respect. If what you’re doing is making someone feel uncomfortable, that is enough reason to stop doing it.

This code of conduct also applies to any digital platforms (e.g. chat groups) provided by the conference organizers during this event.

Members violating these rules may be expelled from the event without a refund and could even be banned from future activities by the organizers. If you are subject to, or observe, anything in violation of the above or have any other problems/concerns, please contact the organizers on site or via email at [email protected] We will deal with all reports discreetly and confidently.

This code of conduct is based on the Talking Maths in Public Online Activities Code of Conduct by Talking Maths in Public (with permission), the Open Source Initiative's Events Code of Conduct (released under a CC-0 license), with additional inspiration from the European Astronomical Society's 2020 Code of Conduct.