2021 Online Gathering Session Recordings
Important: Please do not share these videos with anyone who hasn't attended the 2021 MATRIX × IMAGINARY Online Gathering. We're seeking permission to make them publicly available and we will remove this notice once that happens.
Day 1
Welcome to the conference
Sylvie Benzoni, Institut Henri Poincaré (France); Cindy Lawrence, MoMath (USA); Andreas Matt, IMAGINARY (Germany).
Mathemalchemy: a mathematical and artistic adventure
Ingrid Daubechies, Duke University (USA)
Writing about math for the New York Times
Steven Strogatz, Cornell University, MoMath (USA)
Lightning Talks: Exhibition Experiences
La Maison de Fermat: A math, heritage and cultural museum
Maryvonne Spiesser and Thomas Ricaud, Maison de Fermat (France)
A successful experience on student engagement in STEM museums
Montserrat Alsina, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (Spain)
“Traveling Around the World with Math.” A traveling exhibition.
I-Wei Lai, National Taiwan Normal University (Taiwan)
Math Museums Panorama
Math museum exhibits from around the world
Daniel Ramos, IMAGINARY (Luxembourg)
Museums of mathematics worldwide: activities of Mathematikum
Albrecht Beutelspacher, Mathematikum (Germany)
Maison Poincaré
Sylvie Benzoni, Institut Henri Poincaré (France)
Katie Chicot, MathsWorldUK (UK)
Seattle Universal Math Museum
Tracy Drinkwater, SUMM (USA)
Kiev Math Museum
Yevhen Kudriavets, Science Museum of Kyiv (Ukraine)
UFMG Mathematics Museum
Carmen Rosa Giraldo Vergara, Fabio Enrrique Brochero Martínez,
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (Brazil)
Moderated by Cindy Lawrence, MoMath
Joining Hands: Ideas to Foster Collaboration
A Network of Permanent Exhibitions
Guido Ramellini, MMACA (Spain)
The Handbook of Mathematical Science Communication
Anna Maria Hartkopf, Erin Henning, FU Berlin (Germany)
A website to share ideas and objects
Indira Chatterji, Université Côte d’Azur; Rémi Coulon, Université de Rennes (France)
Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival
Daniel Kline, Julia Robinson Mathematics Festival (USA)
Collaborative Communities
Stephon Alexander (USA)
Moderated by James Tanton, Global Math Project (USA)
Day 2
Welcome to day 2
Sylvie Benzoni, Institut Henri Poincaré (France); Cindy Lawrence, MoMath (USA); Andreas Matt, IMAGINARY (Germany).
Elm, a good friend of mathematics
Erkal Selman (Germany)
Variants of the 15-puzzle and the effects of holonomy
Henry Segerman, Oklahoma State University (USA)
Lightning talks I
Sketchnotes of Science
Constanza Rojas-Molina, CY Cergy Paris Université (France)
What we talk about when we talk about Comics & Science
Andrea Plazzi, Symmaceo Communications (Italy); Roberto Natalini, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (Italy)
Projeto Visitas: Fibo e Sofia
Aniura Milanes Barrientos, Department of Mathematics at the Federal University of Minas Gerais (UFMG), Belo Horizonte (Brazil)
Lightning talks II
Philipp Legner, Mathigon (USA)
Manim (Mathematical Animation Engine)
Oliver Schön, University of Tübingen (Germany)
"One for all, All for one"
Riccardo Moschetti, Curvilinea (Italy)
Math games for real
Gaston Ibarburu, Universidad de la República (Uruguay)
Beau Janzen, Gnomon School of Visual Effects, Games & Animation (USA)
Lightning talks III
Pooled testing
Lauren Siegel, MathHappens Foundation (USA)
Revising the visualisation of the "Poincaré homology sphere"
Renate Quehenberger (Austria)
Infinite Fun: Inventing and Exploring with Mobies
Alexey V. Ivchenko, Volgograd State Technical University (Russian Federation); Yana Mohanty, Imathgination LLC, (USA)
Alternative Perspectives
Anton Bakker (USA)
Experience Workshop STEAM Network
Kristóf Fenyvesi, Christopher Brownell and Zsolt Lavicza, University of Jyväskylä (Finland)
Jeanette Shakalli, Fundapromat (Panama)
Symmetry Selfie
Jürgen Richter-Gebert, TU Munich (Germany); Tim Nissen, MoMath (USA)